MLK Dream Weekend




Thank you so much for the opportunity to be involved. I loved it, and I’m so glad the additional fundraising effort was successful this year. It was such a great event. Kinneil Coltman, Director of Diversity for Greenville Health System, Sponsor


Kinneil Coltman

Maxim Williams

maxim-headerMaxim Williams grew up in Toronto, Canada surrounded by people and family members of all different races, religions and backgrounds. It wasn’t until high school and after that he encountered discrimination first-hand, living in Florida, Tennessee and California prior to arriving in Greenville in the summer of 2008.

Maxim is actively living his dream of building healthy communities around shared values and inclusive relationships. Leveraging his experience in business, psychology, systems and community building, he has championed the cause of the Sterling Community through his leadership and creation of the Sterling Phoenix League. It is a collaborative and strategic framework uniting government, businesses, churches, community residents and anyone interested in bringing communities to better health, one neighborhood at a time.