MLK Dream Weekend




As a leader at my facility I am charged with a large number of associates and 13 members of management. I was moved by Mr. Martin’s comment asking the question “Why are you here?” As I sat there and pondered that question, I indeed posed that question to myself. Why am I here? How do… Read More


Eric Butler

Calder Ehrmann

calder-headerCalder Ehrmann is glad to be part of what the rest of the world calls “The American Experiment.” Inclusion, acceptance and equality for all minorities, on this level, is something that’s been pursued in America since the civil rights movement but has never been done before anywhere else. His efforts at The Riley Institute are aimed to ensure that our leadership in South Carolina keeps the experiment on track.

Hoping to solve the “intersections of diversities where the tensions occur,” Calder’s dream is to move South Carolina from where it is to where it could be. His focus is on the 80 percent of people he believes are open to change and growth.