MLK Dream Weekend



My sincere congratulations on such an extraordinary MLK Diversity Banquet! It was such a wonderful event! Roland Martin did such an outstanding job, and his message was so appropriate for our college and high school students in the audience. It was especially powerful when Roland asked the four students to stand. He really made an… Read More


Judith S. Prince

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February 20th, 2012

Katrina Springler

I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your executive board’s work in providing an amazing MLK Diversity Banquet. I must say it far exceeded my expectations and was so worth the drive from Columbia. As a result of what I experienced, I left with a continued intention to use my God-given gifts to empower women to live the life God created theme to live. Thank you for what you’re doing to impact the lives of others in a positive way. Stay inspired on your journey.

Katrina Sprigler, Columbia, SC Resident

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