MLK Dream Weekend



It was really a pleasure to be part of this event. The kids were fantastic, and I’m glad we were all able to have an impact on their lives. Thanks for the big role you played. Pam Jamarik, Michelin North America – MLK Dream Weekend Scholarship Sponsor


Pam Jamarik

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February 20th, 2012

Eric Butler

As a leader at my facility I am charged with a large number of associates and 13 members of management. I was moved by Mr. Martin’s comment asking the question “Why are you here?” As I sat there and pondered that question, I indeed posed that question to myself. Why am I here? How do I want a monumental event like that night to flow like a river throughout my personal and business life? How can I take the message “Wake Up” and transplant it within my facility? How can I move people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and those that came before and after him did?

I left that convention center with a personal challenge. A challenge that my dream was to improve the education of kids in the community that I work in here in Anderson. That message moved me in a way that I haven’t felt moved in sometime. I’ve always been told that I’m a great motivator, a great inspirational speaker, and someone who will challenge you to be more than you think you can be. Well on that night I was challenged. Praise God for leading me there that night to challenge, to be led, to be motivated to do more and be more than I was before I got there. Thank you for the experience and opportunity to be a part of something really HUGE!!

Eric Butler Wal-Mart Store Manager, MLK Dream Weekend Sponsor

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