MLK Dream Weekend




My sincere congratulations on such an extraordinary MLK Diversity Banquet! It was such a wonderful event! Roland Martin did such an outstanding job, and his message was so appropriate for our college and high school students in the audience. It was especially powerful when Roland asked the four students to stand. He really made an… Read More


Judith S. Prince

2014 Pledges

Alexandra Abbott Audrey Henderson Veronica Shumate
Aaron Adams Valerie Houston Rudy Simmons
Renee Alexander Pamela Jamarik Andrea Smith
Shontel Babb Sherry Jenkins Annie Smith
Gary Banas Herbert Johnson, Jr. Shenya Smith
Mamie Boyd Karen Knuckles Doreathia Stewart
Tonia Buie Ricky Lake Angela Stokes
Ms. Burns Moses Lawson Sarah Thomas
Sharon Clinkscales Peter Lee Jeffrey Thornton
Deniela Collington Jil Littlejohn Myrtle Toliver
Lori Coon Ruby Madden Bernice Washington
Treca DeSheilds Deidra McEntyre Freddie Williams
Tarsha Edwards Vanessa McKinney Lyshedra Williams
Tia Foster Cheryl Meeks Michael Williams
Tracie Fowler Maurice Nunn Monica Williams
Dale Gillispie Kenneth Peterson Thelma Williams
Odessa Griffin Deborah Pickens Kimberly Witherspoon
Shemeca Haims-Dillard Bernice Posley Angela Wood
Lynn Hallums Kenneth Ricketts Lorraine Woodward
Xanthia Harkness Susan Riordan Claudia Wright
Ben Hasker Nancy Sanders St. Anthony’s Catholic Church & School
Lonnie Hawthorne Andrew Shigg Tell Them