MLK Dream Weekend

Win a Dream Contest



The MoneySmart class facilitated by a Rotary member during Dreams in Action Day was great. The presenter (Carlo White) should be a motivational speaker, he was just that unbelievable!! Calm, friendly, intelligent, worked the room and made all feel like we were part of his discussion.  Lacy Gamble, Greenville Resident and MLK Diversity Banquet and… Read More


Lacy Gamble

Past Recipients

2009 GHS & MLK $1500 Win a Dream Contest Recipient Progress Update:

Nicholas Wideman Creator of Young Marathon Runners of America

Nicholas Wideman, 2009 GHS & MLK Win a Dream contestant, accepts $1500 award.
Nicholas Wideman, 2009 GHS & MLK Win a Dream contestant, accepts $1500 award.

YMRA logoNicholas Wideman, winner of the $1500 GHS Win a Dream contest, has made admirable progress in fulfilling his dream of helping youth overcome obesity through his Young Marathon Runners of America (YMRA) program. Wideman has advanced his organization and his dream by reaching out to communities and partnering with like-minded organizations. For more information on the childhood obesity epidemic or YMRA, please download the brochure.