MLK Dream Weekend




I thoroughly enjoyed my participation in the MLK Dream Weekend Diversity Banquet. The speaker for the event, Roland Martin, was an excellent choice. He issued a very important message and challenge to everyone in attendance to make a difference. The student scholarship recipients were truly outstanding scholars and citizens of their school and community. It… Read More


Leon E. Wiles

Raven Magwood

raven-headerRaven Magwood learned some important lessons about achieving goals and pursuing dreams as an athlete at a young age. On her way to earning a spot on the National Gymnastics team at age 12, Raven found that her keys to overcoming injuries and doubts were Dedication, Determination and Discipline.

Raven has made her dream a reality. At age 16, she is spreading her message of hard work and “The 3 D’s” to youth all over the country as a motivational speaker. Her story of success has given her a message of hope and dreams to share with the world.